
List of coatings authorized + infos balls + control:

List of coatings authorized 2018

Rackets Controle: Control-1 – Control-2 – RC_Form3_2016

International Regulations for Snowshoe Controls : RC_AvWa – RCB_fr

Decision CAN – only plastic bullets as of 01/07/2015


Sports Regulations + Annexes:

National Sporting Regulations: Règlements Sportifs Nationaux

Appendices to the national sports regulations : BELGIQUE REGLES DU JEU

Age Series : Séries dâge 2017-2018

Equivalences : TABLEAU D’EQUIVALENCE 2017-2018 – ederland-naar-Belgische-klassement-2017-18

National fines : Amendes Nationales 2017-2018

Absence of national competitions: registration due in all cases, fine avoided in case of medical certificate return

Coach License: Licence Coach


Internal regulations:



Statutes :
